The Daily Six Pack: February 20, 2014

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A COLLECTION OF LINKS FOR LOVERS OF I.T. Dirk Strauss . . . . Feature link: Software Driven World Satya Nadella on The Future is Software, JD Meier Other Complaint-Driven Development, Jeff Atwood Introducing Bing Code Search for C#, Ala Shiban Testing Bing Code Search Visual Studio Extension (with video), Iris Classon Visual Studio Toolbox: Cross Platform Development With Xamarin, Robert Green How

The Daily Six Pack: January 28, 2014

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A COLLECTION OF LINKS FOR LOVERS OF I.T. Dirk Strauss . . . . Feature link: Steve Jobs On Life The 46 Second Steve Jobs Video Of That Will Change Your Life Other Repositories, where did we go wrong?, Jef Claes Objective-C: Cheat Sheet, Rob Phillips Get Up And Code 38: Chatting With Scott Hanselman, John Sonmez &

The Daily Six Pack: November 27, 2013

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A COLLECTION OF LINKS FOR LOVERS OF I.T. Dirk Strauss . . . . Feature link: C# Keywords Full List of C# Keywords, Sean Sexton Other This glitch in 'Assassin's Creed IV' is freakish, mesmerizing, Miles Klee Opening Files from SkyDrive using .NET, Immo Landwerth Refresh your PC with a custom image (step by step guide), Iris Classon Release Management for Visual

The Daily Six Pack: November 7, 2013

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A COLLECTION OF LINKS FOR LOVERS OF I.T. Dirk Strauss . . . . Feature link: iPad Air 10 Things Heavier Than the iPad Air, Mashable Other November Issue of MSDN Magazine, Michael Desmond Do you know what’s in your ‘Other’ Facebook folder, Josh Benson Windows 8.1 Preview: Experiments with SkyDrive and Files, Mike Taulty Microsoft warns flaw in Windows Vista, Server

The Daily Six Pack: October 16, 2013

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A COLLECTION OF LINKS FOR LOVERS OF I.T. Dirk Strauss . . . . Feature link: Free ebook Introducing Windows 8.1 Free ebook: Introducing Windows 8.1 for IT Professionals, Kim Spilker Other Guide to VS2013 LightSwitch HTML Themes, Xpert360 #952 – Type Safety, Sean Sexton SkyDrive and Windows 8.1, Brandon LeBlanc Hello, old friend, Josh Benson The Entire

The Daily Six Pack: September 12, 2013

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A COLLECTION OF LINKS FOR LOVERS OF I.T. Dirk Strauss . . . . Feature link: iPhone Fingerprint Scanner Will Apple's new iPhone turn your fingerprints over to the NSA?, Kris Holt Other How Objects Are Removed from the Managed Heap, Sean Sexton A better switch with Lambdas in .NET, Part 1, Abhishek Sur Windows 8.1 Tip: Move the Location of

The Daily Six Pack: July 23, 2013

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Promoting Dev Skills shouldn't be a problem for great developers, right? Well I can promise you that Luke Clum highlights a few points you probably haven't thought of. His 8 tips on promoting your dev skills is essential for any developer seeking to increase his or her 'street cred'. Uzi Granot

The Daily Six Pack: June 12, 2013

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Data Backup strategies vary, but one thing is for certain. How ever you do it, be sure to do it. Shawn Keene wrote a great article on his blog about his hard drive crash and how he recovered from it. Do you backup your data on a regular basis? What

Outlook Online has New Features

Outlook Online New Features makes you love email again

Outlook online has some new features. When I first signed up for an account, I was reserved regarding how much I would use it. I have had the same GMail account since receiving an invite years ago, and I figured that wouldn't come close to replacing GMail. Well