Visual Studio 2015 Light Bulb – Lighting Your Path To Great Code

Visual Studio 2015 Light Bulb - If you have been using Visual Studio 2015, you will undoubtedly run into the Light Bulb during your ventures into the new IDE. This is a very handy tip and one that is really easy to make use of. This productivity feature is so

PerfTips – Visual Studio 2015 New Features In The Spotlight

PerfTips - How many times have you written timer code to see how long a certain method takes to execute? Perhaps you have a bit of reusable code that you can just plug in to do this. Well stash away that old timer code because as of today with the

Devart Code Compare

Devart Code Compare

Devart Code Compare is a really awesome tool for developers to use. It integrates seamlessly into Android Studio, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA and naturally, Visual Studio. It has also built-in support for the following popular source control systems: TFS, SVN, Git, Mercurial, and Perforce. Today I'm going to look at the standalone

LEADTOOLS Recognition Imaging SDK: Create Imaging Apps Easily

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LEADTOOLS Recognition Imaging SDK - I had the pleasure of taking the SDK for a spin, and let me tell you it was well worth it. LEADTOOLS has already established itself as a world leader in Imaging SDK's, but for me it goes much further than just that. The technical

Deep Web – Silk Road And The Inside Story Of Ross Ulbricht

Deep Web - Has the Dread Pirate Roberts been put away for life without the possibility of parole? This documentary explores those caught in the crosshairs of a battle for control of our future which is inevitably linked to technology. What's at stake? According to some, our digital rights hang

Introducing Code Contracts – Writing Better Code

Introducing Code Contracts - Exactly what are code contracts and how can they help me in my daily coding tasks? How do code contracts make my code better? Well as I have said before, user input is evil. All user input. Code contracts provide a way for a developer to

Simil Is An Algorithm Used To Find Similar Strings – And It Is Awesome!

Exception Thrown

Simil is Awesome Simil is one of the coolest algorithms I have come across in a long while. Developers usually know that all user input is evil, and we really need to implement code contracts and all the fail safes afforded to us by the numerous development standards out there. Unfortunately,