Dirk Strauss
Feature link: Azure SQL Elastic Database Pools
- Visual Studio Online – output colouring by tag, Ruslan Albu
- If statements: Do you really need them in your code?, Samer Buna
- #VS2015 – Do you need #Xamarin Forms Designer? This may help you, Bruno Capuano
- Using cross-app communication to make apps work together (10 by 10), Rajen Kishna
- SQL SERVER – Finding If Date is LastDay of the Month, Pinal Dave
Even More
- The iPhone 6S is as powerful as Apple’s new MacBook, test claims, Lisa Eadicicco
- iPhone ad blocking apps will ‘only’ cost $1 billion in lost advertising revenues, Lara O’Reilly
- Introducing availability of Office 365 Groups in Outlook 2016, Christophe Fiessinger
- Office 2016 for Windows 10, Terry Myerson
- Introducing Office 365 Planner, Howard Crow
Visual Studio 2015 and Windows 10 Goodness
- Windows 10 courses in MVA, Microsoft Virtual Academy
- Developer for Windows 10
- Channel 9 – A great online resource for Windows 10 related videos
- Developer Tools Download, Download any Visual Studio sku’s, including VS 2015
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