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The Daily Six Pack: July 15, 2013

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Buying Bitcoin Featured

Buying Bitcoin in South Africa has probably not been the easiest of things to do, until now. Jeffrey Denning has a great article on how to do just that. He also points out that you can use an all South African exchange too. If you aren’t into mining Bitcoins, why not buy them? Check out his article in today’s Feature Link.

Then we have another nice article by Sean Sexton, uncovering some little C# Gems. If you are a C# developer, I highly suggest that you follow Sean’s blog. I promise you that you will learn something new… that is unless you are Jon Skeet. 🙂

Lastly Gunnar Peipman talks about how he uses OneNote. I must say that whenever I start using OneNote, I have somehow always managed to forget about using it. It just lacks something that I could never quite put my finger on. This post by Gunnar hits the nail on the head (for me anyway). He has OneNote available across all devices because he is using Windows devices (Windows Phone, Surface RT etc) that sync with SkyDrive. I on the other hand use primarily Apple, so I find it easier to use apps that sync across devices via iCloud.

Well that is it for today’s edition of The Daily Six Pack. I hope that you all have a great Monday. See you tomorrow!

Feature link: Buying Bitcoin
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Dirk Strauss
Dirk is a Software Developer from South Africa. He loves all things Technology and is slightly addicted to Jimi Hendrix. Apart from writing code, he also enjoys authoring books and articles. "I love sharing knowledge and connecting with people from around the world. It's the diversity that makes life so beautiful." Dirk feels very strongly that pizza is simply not complete without Tabasco, that you can never have too much garlic, and that cooking the perfect steak is an art he has almost mastered.

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