The Daily Six Pack: October 30, 2013

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A COLLECTION OF LINKS FOR LOVERS OF I.T. Dirk Strauss . . . . Feature link: Buffer Hacked Buffer confirms hackers stole users’ Twitter and Facebook tokens, but billing information unaffected, Kaylene Hong Other Different ways of getting Path, Abhishek Sur My Responsibilities as a Social Media Strategist, Ahna Hendrix 5 Claims About SQL, Explained, Alex Bolenok How to Get the IP

Ten Minutes With…Ahna Hendrix

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Ahna Hendrix - There is a lot of creativity that goes into everything that Ahna leaves her mark on. Since I have known her, I have been intrigued by her zest for life and how she applies that to business. I feel that there is a lot that we can learn

Finding Paul Miller – A Year Without The Internet

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I have to say that when I first thought about the journey that Paul Miller took, I was confronted by my own inner demons of what my life would be without the Internet. You see, Paul Miller undertook to stop using the Internet for a whole year. No emails, no