The Daily Six Pack: June 10, 2013

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Welcome to a new week. I hope that you had a better weekend than mine. I was busy bringing my laptop back to life due to a slight case of (assumed) rootkit infection. Nevertheless, I managed to put together The Daily Six Pack on one of the 5 PC's in

Introducing PowerStory for PowerPoint

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When I started researching PowerStory for PowerPoint, I was floored by the rich set of features. I wondered where to begin in order to do this product justice. I decided to take my time and use it extensively. Having been using it for some time, I can truly say that PowerStory offers

PowerMockup – A Tool Every Developer Must Have

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A little while ago, I wrote a post called Visual Studio 2012 Tips Part 1 – PowerPoint Storyboarding in which I discussed creating StoryBoards with the PowerPoint add-in that comes with Visual Studio Premium and Ultimate. It helps you design your application's interface and allows rudimentary interactivity through the use of hyperlinks between the slides.