How Facebook Influences People
Sad Facebook is sad and it wants you to be happy…. well perhaps not, but it sounded cool saying that. I have come across very few people that don’t use Facebook. Some might not have their own account, but they invariably use their spouse’s Facebook account. Then you get the John and Jane Smith accounts. You know, those husband and wife accounts one seems to find more often these days. A very cool video uploaded by Higton Bros illustrates exactly what I believe many experience in some small way or another.
Sad Facebook
Okay, so I should probably in all fairness point out that the following video is in no way representative of Facebook itself, but more of the users that use the service every day. Sure, Facebook is the medium people use but so is every car that transports people to and from their destination. It’s no more the car’s fault (barring malfunction) that people abuse it than it is Facebook’s fault for people being abusive (even psychologically) online.
Has our life really become one of measuring your own self worth by how many likes a specific status update has? If this is you, or if you can relate to the portrayal of the characters in the video below it might be time to consider reaching out for some help. Here are a few tips if you feel that you need some help.
There is even a term for this behavior. It’s called Facebook Addiction Disorder and many people are of the opinion that it is quickly on the rise. Obviously there is also a Facebook Community dedicated to this topic, which begs the question why this topic would be presented on a medium that is the source of a person’s addiction. It’s like having an AA meeting in a bar. I guess it comes down to from which angle you look at this.
Lastly, if you simply can’t live without Facebook, try to prioritize your time. Make a specific time that you check Facebook or post a status. Be vigilant that Facebook is not for when you are in other’s company being social. It is not for the dinner table. It is not suitable for the alone time with your kids (the pics you just took can be uploaded later, put your phone down and go and play with them). Prioritize what is most important in your life. You will quickly see that Facebook isn’t at the top of that list.