I love Windows 8. There, I said it. Right, now that that’s over with, lets get to the nitty gritty of the shut down sequence. WinKey+C -> Settings -> Power -> Select Shut down. Doesn’t that seem a bit drawn out?
Well, here is an easy workaround for quick one-click shut downs. Create a new shortcut on your desktop (Right Click -> New -> Shortcut) and type the following in as the location “shutdown /s /t 0”.
Without the quotes of course, it is shutdown[space]/s[space]/t[space]zero
Then click next, and type an obvious name for this shortcut, “Shutdown”. When you have done this right click the shortcut again and select Properties. In the Properties, change the Icon by clicking on the Change Icon button. (A Warning will appear on the screen, just dismiss it by clicking OK) Choose a suitable icon for the shortcut and click OK.
Now you can right click on the shortcut and select “Pin to Taskbar”. You can also select “Pin to Start”. So there you have it! A convenient shut down button for one-click enthusiasts.
Oh, and did you know that if you want to take a screenshot, instead of Alt+PrntScr type WinKey+PrntScr. Your screenshot is automatically saved to your Pictures folder. Neat hey? As usual, feel free to leave comments below.