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The Daily Six Pack: May 15, 2013

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Windows 8 dev Featured

Windows 8 dev… Have you every wanted to try it? With so many resources online (due in part to a huge push by Microsoft), you have a wealth of information at your fingertips. A good starting place is the following article by Mickey MacDonald. He talks about creating a Windows 8 app in just 24 hours using Blend (without having any prior experience with Blend). Have a look at his post surrounding the development of his ‘Cookie Fortune’ app.

Tom Clifton then describes why he wanted to dual boot Windows 8 and shows us just how to do it. So if you want to try out Windows 8, you can always dual boot it before taking the plunge of using a new OS. (Others out there can afford to go all in)

Then The Next Web reports on a study that found Internet Explorer 10 blocking malware better than other browsers. Sean Sexton also talks about using the Generic Stack Class. Lastly, go ahead and take a look at one of my favourite blogs out there, James Michael Hare’s site is a gem chock and block full of excellent content. Do yourself a favour and check out his Little Wonders series. It is well worth the read.

Have a great day today! Here is The (slightly different) Daily Six Pack!

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Dirk Strauss
Dirk is a Software Developer from South Africa. He loves all things Technology and is slightly addicted to Jimi Hendrix. Apart from writing code, he also enjoys authoring books and articles. "I love sharing knowledge and connecting with people from around the world. It's the diversity that makes life so beautiful." Dirk feels very strongly that pizza is simply not complete without Tabasco, that you can never have too much garlic, and that cooking the perfect steak is an art he has almost mastered.

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