So much has been said regarding the demise of Google Reader, that it is clear the impact will be a big one on many people. Personally, I have started looking into Feedly and NewsBlur (although NewsBlur is having some teething problems with all the sudden traffic). I like Feedly quite a bit but I am actually also very impressed with NewsBlur. So impressed actually that I took a premium membership.
Nevertheless, Google seems to be cleaning house again and this time the chopping block has a loved product in its sights. I also want to mention that if you use Feedburner…. try looking for an alternative for your blog. Try FeedBlitz. Anyway, today is Friday and before you knock off work, have a look at the eBook on Unit Testing with Microsoft Fakes – available now for download.
Have an excellent day. Here is The Daily Six Pack.
- Google Reader reaction: Petitions, Twitter outcry, Grumpy Cat remains grumpy, Shana Lynch
- Restore SQL Server Database Using C#, Manish Dubey
- Conceptualizing and Planning Your App, Kiran Balijepalli
- Fixing Windows 8: Advice for Users and for Microsoft, Paul Thurrott
- Making $30,000 a month on Windows 8 apps, Kevin Ashley
- eBook – Better Unit Testing with Microsoft Fakes–available now…, Shawn Cicoria
Other Link Blogs
- Interesting Finds by Jason Haley
- The Dev Box by Janes Oosthuizen
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