Scott Hanselman talks about ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 which is echoed by Scott Guthrie. Mark Arteaga talks about Windows 8 App Templates.
Then, since the Cloud has become a reality, it has surely changed the job of a developer. Buck Woody talks about how the Cloud impacts a Developer’s job.
Well, today is the middle of the week. We have a short few days to the weekend, but in the meantime take a few minutes, kick back and relax. Here is The Daily Six Pack.
- Released: ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 in Context, Scott Hanselman
- Windows 8 App Templates Released, Mark Arteaga
- Announcing release of ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 Update, Scott Guthrie
- Visual Studio 2012 – How to: Deploy Files for Tests
- How Does the Cloud Change a Developer’s Job?, Buck Woody
- Four new single page application templates, Gunnar Peipman
Other Link Blogs
- Interesting Finds by Jason Haley
- The Dev Box by Janes Oosthuizen
- Dew Drop by Alvin Ashcraft