Dirk Strauss
Feature link: Ideal Windows 10 App Development Environment
- 5 Steps to an Ideal Windows 10 App Development Environment, Michael Crump
- Backwards compatibility is (still) hard, Jon Skeet
- Swim lanes, #mention, Build test steps – Jun 3, Aaron Bjork
- How to Compare files in Visual Studio Code?, Abhijit Jana
- Fundamentals of Visual Studio Online – Free MVA Training, Ahmed Waheed
- An attempt to organize Microsoft’s growing list of organizing tools, Mary Jo Foley
Even More
- Announcing the Ultimate Bing Experience III, Nicholas Kerr
- Computers can tell how much pain you’re in by looking at your face, Jon Fingas
- Oh my goodness… it was bound to happen! Just a matter of time. Please Note: NSFW
- Why Facebook Is Evil, According To Mindblowing New Series Mr. Robot, Annalee Newitz
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