Before you start this new week, take a few minutes to sample today’s edition of The Daily Six Pack. Filip Ekberg talks about decompiling .NET applications. You know, for those times when you need to make a change to a production system and the developer that originally wrote the application has left the company without checking in the code. Yes, it happens. Beth Massi brings us more LightSwitch ambrosia while Senthil Kumar talks about the equivalent of the var keyword in VB.NET.
AJ Kohn discusses what he learned in 2012 and Alex Soto shows us the absolutely hilarious reality of a developers life using GIF’s. “When I upload a code without tests and it works as expected” is my absolute favourite!!
- Decompiling .NET Applications, Filip Ekberg
- LightSwitch OData Tip: Easily Expose Many-to-Many Relationships using Queries, Beth Massi
- C#’s Var Keyword Equivalent In VB.NET, Senthil Kumar
- Synchronization, Thread Safety, and Performance, essence on Code Project
- The Reality of a Developer’s Life – in GIFs, Of Course, Alex Soto
- What I learned in 2012, AJ Kohn
Other Link Blogs
- Interesting Finds by Jason Haley
- The Dev Box by Janes Oosthuizen
- Dew Drop by Alvin Ashcraft