The Daily Six Pack: August 8, 2013

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A COLLECTION OF LINKS FOR LOVERS OF I.T.Dirk Strauss....Feature link: Twitter iOSTwitter for iOS and Android gets login verification, photo galleries, search improvements, and list management, Emil ProtalinskiOtherMS Office for Android Available for Download Finally, Aamir UsmanAdd Folders & Items to This PC folder in Windows 8.1, ShyamApp Studio: a

The Daily Six Pack: July 9, 2013


Xamarin.iOS is such a great tool, and Michael Crump shares an excellent video he made on building your first app with Xamarin.iOS. This is a must-see for all you budding iOS devs out there. Zain Naboulsi then shares some nice tips on Visual Studio 2013. If you don't have the preview

iOS Succinctly – Syncfusion’s Free Ebook Reviewed

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iOS Succinctly by Syncfusion is one of the most concise books on iOS I have read. It is the second book in a two-part series on iPhone and iPad app development. Objective-C Succinctly was the initial book and it covered Objective-C and core data structures used by virtually all iOS

The Daily Six Pack: June 10, 2013

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Welcome to a new week. I hope that you had a better weekend than mine. I was busy bringing my laptop back to life due to a slight case of (assumed) rootkit infection. Nevertheless, I managed to put together The Daily Six Pack on one of the 5 PC's in

The Daily Six Pack: May 27, 2013

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Channel 9 has something great in store for us. Are you going to TechEd this year? Do you want to stay connected to what's happening? Download the Ch9 Events app on your mobile device! It will allow you to browse all the content of the conference. You can also follow your

The Daily Six Pack: May 22, 2013

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Today's featured link is all about Visual Studio 2012 and code map's. While some might argue that it is unfair that some of the code quality tools are only available in Visual Studio Ultimate editions (and I'm inclined to agree), I also take cognisance of the fact that there are other 3rd