Amazon Customer Emails Exposed Customer email addresses exposed on Amazon, but Amazon refuses to give details, Zack Whittaker, Josh Constine Amazon Customer Emails Exposed - Users were warned on Tuesday that a technical error on Amazon's website exposed a boat load of customer email addresses. More cool stuff How to manually delay
Tag: amazon
C# Programming Cookbook Published Recently
C# Programming Cookbook As you folks probably noticed, I haven't been blogging regularly for the past couple of months. I was lucky enough to be working on my first book, something which I was very fortunate to have done. It was a fantastic experience and something I would recommend to anyone thinking
The Daily Six Pack: December 3, 2013
A COLLECTION OF LINKS FOR LOVERS OF I.T. Dirk Strauss . . . . Feature link: Amazon Prime Air Delivery drones are coming: Jeff Bezos promises half-hour shipping with Amazon Prime Air, David Pierce Other Sentient code: An inside look at Stephen Wolfram’s utterly new, insanely ambitious computational paradigm, John Koetsier Encryption products, now proliferating after NSA revelations,