Today in Tech – Thursday, Nov 22, 2018

Amazon customer emails exposed

Amazon Customer Emails Exposed Customer email addresses exposed on Amazon, but Amazon refuses to give details, Zack Whittaker, Josh Constine Amazon Customer Emails Exposed - Users were warned on Tuesday that a technical error on Amazon's website exposed a boat load of customer email addresses. More cool stuff How to manually delay

C# Programming Cookbook Published Recently

C# Programming Cookbook

C# Programming Cookbook As you folks probably noticed, I haven't been blogging regularly for the past couple of months. I was lucky enough to be working on my first book, something which I was very fortunate to have done. It was a fantastic experience and something I would recommend to anyone thinking

The Daily Six Pack: December 3, 2013

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A COLLECTION OF LINKS FOR LOVERS OF I.T. Dirk Strauss . . . . Feature link: Amazon Prime Air Delivery drones are coming: Jeff Bezos promises half-hour shipping with Amazon Prime Air, David Pierce Other Sentient code: An inside look at Stephen Wolfram’s utterly new, insanely ambitious computational paradigm, John Koetsier Encryption products, now proliferating after NSA revelations,