Welcome to a new week. Larry Lieberman talks about building apps for both Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. Then, James McCaffrey presents one of the basic building blocks of a neural network (This is a nice read).
The Open-Closed Principle… Modules should be open for extension and closed for modification, or should they? Jon Skeet discusses. Lee Stott discusses the deployment of Windows 8 apps and Manish Dubey shows us how to export a Gridview to PDF in ASP.NET.
Lastly, what is the biggest Cybersecurity Story of last week? Jason Bloomberg enlightens us. Have a great start to the week. Here is The Daily Six Pack. Enjoy!
- Modeling Neuron Behavior in C#, James McCaffrey
- Build Apps for Both Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8, Larry Lieberman
- The Open-Closed Principle, in review, Jon Skeet
- Want to understand more about the deployment of Windows 8 Apps?, Lee Stott
- Export Gridview to PDF in ASP.Net, Manish Dubey
- The Biggest Cybersecurity Story of the Week, Jason Bloomberg
Other Link Blogs
- Interesting Finds by Jason Haley
- The Dev Box by Janes Oosthuizen
- Dew Drop by Alvin Ashcraft