iOS7 Develoment is a hot topic at the moment. Joey deVilla gives us the low-down on setting up Xcode 5 and obviously also the iOS7 SDK. As you know by now, iOS7 was unveiled at Apple’s WWDC last week and promises a total mind shift with regards to the look and feel of apps. Developers on the iOS stack will need to re-think their iOS7 Development strategies and how they approach the usability of their applications.
For all the Web Developers out there, head on over to Chris Spooner’s post. He introduces 20 free UI Kits and Icons for flat web designs. Wes McClure also talks about the value of code reviews.
Paresh Joshi shows us how to use Visual Studio Tracepoints and Erik Dietrich asks the million dollar question in the light of Edward Snowden’s bombshell. You might recall the incident. As per Wikipedia – On June 5, the Guardian released a top secret order of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) that ordered a business division of Verizon Communications to provide “on an ongoing daily basis” metadata for all telephone calls “wholly within the United States, including local telephone calls” and all calls made “between the United States and abroad.” See the Wikipedia article for more info on this. It makes for really interesting reading.
Feature link: iOS7 Development
- NSA-proof encryption exists. Why doesn’t anyone use it?, Erik Dietrich
- Use Visual Studio Tracepoints Instead, Paresh Joshi
- 20 Free UI Kits & Icons For Your Flat Web Designs, Chris Spooner
- Including Several catch Blocks, Sean Sexton
- The value of code reviews, Wes McClure
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Today’s Comic
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