A COLLECTION OF LINKS FOR LOVERS OF I.T. Dirk Strauss . . . . Feature link: Visual Studio History Scott Allen on the History of Visual Studio, SSW Team Other 12 tips to increase the performance of ASP.NET application drastically – Part 2, Brij Bhushan Mishra C# 6.0: An Introduction, Alex Booker Eve Aims To Change The Way Programming Works, David Nield Here's what to expect from
Tag: Cortana on Android
The Daily Six Pack: July 29, 2015
A COLLECTION OF LINKS FOR LOVERS OF I.T. Dirk Strauss . . . . Feature link: Official Windows 10 Launch Site Microsoft unveils official Windows 10 Launch site, Richard Hay Other Getting Started with Windows 10, Scott Hanselman Welcome to the 2015 Imagine Cup World Finals!, Student Developer Evangelism Team Windows 10 downloads begin on Windows 7 and 8.1 systems, Richard Hay Intelligence, The Programmer’s Paradox